Monday, June 14, 2010

The Tea Party Movement's Deafening Silence

...or, 'pay no attention to that man behind the curtain'

It seems that by the week, the month and the election cycle, the curtain gets pulled back a little bit more on what Brent Budkowsky has correctly labeled the ‘polyester populism’ of the Tea Party Movement. And as it does, it becomes more and more obvious just how pervasive and powerful corporate control of our country, our government and our lives has become.

Of course the first clue to the wizard at work behind the 'Tea Party curtain' was provided during the 2008 bailout of Wall St. that garnered nary a peep out of anyone from what is now the Tea Party. The end result was that through the largesse of taxpayer dollars, the rich companies and the powerful people running them stayed rich and powerful. But then came the Stimulus Act of 2009, and the same folks that soaked up taxpayer dollars in November 2008 became so outraged at irresponsible government spending that the wizard behind the curtain rolled out Rick Santelli to deliver his scripted rant on CNBC calling for a tea party uprising against the government, which was conveniently followed by an overnight roll out of well-funded websites and tea party chapters around the country.

Now BP Oil, and the devastating oil spill they are responsible for in the Gulf, has served to pull the curtain back even further, revealing more of the wizard pulling the Tea Party levers and switches.

I mean c’mon folks, let’s think about this for a minute. If there was ever a populist cause that deserved the anger of the Tea Party Movement, it is BP and the disaster in the Gulf. Why do I say that? (READ MORE HERE)

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